This is our editing analysis of a doctor who clip.
Who may be harmed?
Is the risk controlled?
What action is needed to control the risks?
Bright lighting
The actors will be instructed not to look directly into the bright lights.
The lights should be dimmed so that the actors are not affected.
Tripod Legs
Actors, Camera men/women
All people on set should be aware where all cameras and tripods are at all time, so that nobody trips over a tripod and causes serious injury.
The cameras should never be left unattended so that everyone is aware that it is there.
Barbed wire
Actors, Camera men/women
| All people on set should be aware of barbed wire as it could cause deep cut wounds. | Clearly mark where the barbed wire is and wear protective clothing, e.g. no shorts/ sandals. |
Actors, Camera men/women
People should be aware of cars when walking back and fourth from the barn as it is quite close to a road.
Avoid crossing the road too
Wooden flooring/ beams
Actors, Camera men/women
Actors will be asked to take greater caution when walking around loose beams and flooring.
The wood should be placed to a side. Loose flooring should be clearly marked so no one steps on it.