Friday 19 September 2014

Textual Analysis of 'Seven'


Seven is a thriller directed by David Fincher and produced n 1995. Film editors try to create suspense in OTS', they do this by the different use of camera angles/shots, editing, sound, mise en scene and acting portrayed throughout the opening title sequence. 

In the opening title sequence of 'Seven' the first shot that you see is of a book with the pages being turned, the background is blurred and we can see that there is a shallow depth of field. The shot is very mystifying as you cannot see what is written in the book, this is due to the camera angle, which grabs the audiences attention as it makes you want to watch more and find out what is included within the book. 

The text on the opening title sequence looks as if its hand written rather than computerised text. As the image changes a pair of hands drawn with a red line down the page appear, the colour red could symbolize blood, anger or danger which are often related to thrillers. The opening title sequence then changes to a close up of the fingers which are playing with a sharp razor blade.  We can also see that there is also a shallow depth of field in this shot. 
The genre is established by the sound during an opening title sequence. It needs to give an idea to the audience as to what genre the film is but it also needs to appeal to the audience and grab them in wanting them to know more about the film. We can tell that the track being played over the shots is a non-diegetic sound which adds to the atmosphere and suspense of the opening title sequence. The sound from the opening title sequence is very edgy. The music tends to get faster throughout the OTS so that it builds up more tension leaving the audience shorter time to process what is happening so that it makes you want to watch it to find out what its about.