Thursday 2 October 2014



We met the brief as we included all of the required shot techniques and we filmed everything that was required in the brief, which included a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character with whom he or she exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.
In the preliminary task we demonstrated match on action well, with the clip of Henry opening the door and the close up shot of the door handle moving. We also demonstrated shot reverse shot well by going from the shot behind Josh's shoulder, to behind Henry's shoulder as they took it in turns to speak. We also demonstrated the 180 degree rule when Henry walks towards the table after coming through the door he still appears on the right side of the frame and we did not cross the 180 degree line.

At first I found this task difficult as it was hard to get the camera in the right place to get a good shot without filming to high/low or without filming too close up to each character. It was also difficult trying not to get too much background into the shot compared to the amount/size of the person in the shot. Finally it was difficult to get the characters head in the correct position inside the rule of thirds.

We had an issue with filming as we had to re-film parts of the task due to losing some footage, we could not re-film the same footage straight away because the characters had different clothing on, so continuity editing would not have been achieved. However, we overcame this by restarting our filming. We managed to replicate the footage we had before as well as add some new parts, which improved our clip from the previous footage we had. 

By creating this task I have learnt how to use the editing software Premier Pro. I now know how to, edit clips to make sure that the footage runs smoothly with no jumping from scene to scene, import video clips, import sound, add titles and how to export and upload videos to YouTube directly from Premier Pro. I will look more closely at where everything in the shot is positioned when it comes to filming again so the rule of thirds is applied in each scene and so that the correct amount of character is in the shot. 


  1. Please put all your posts do do with the prelim task together so the jorney of your blog makes sense - you get graded for this.
    REPLY below
