Tuesday 24 February 2015

question 3

My film opening has a target audience of 15-21 and mostly male. This is a very mainstream audience which would best be distributed by a large mainstream distribution company. However due to my low budget, location and amateur  filming, it is more likely that an independent film distribution company is going to be more interested in my film. Despite my film not having expensive sets, editing and well known actors it still accompanies the mainstream themes and ideas. However my target audience are not a niche audience and will easily be reached through social media and other tools such as posters. Therefore my film may not need a mainstream distributer despite my similar characteristics in theme and target audience.

There would be a lot of benefits to my film if I managed to get it distributed by a mainstream company such as Warner Bros. People would be much more likely to watch my low budget film as Warner Bros are very well known and have produced a lot of successful films e.g. Dark Knight & Harry Potter. Warner Bros would be able to spend money on the film to advertise and promote it very well. They would spend money on making a trailer and advertising it in advert breaks on TV.

There are also benefits to my film being distributed by an independent company. Firstly they would be able to reach my target audience very quickly by using social media to promote the film. My film would also not be under any competition with other big films made by the larger companies e.g. viewing times in cinemas.

I would be able to advertise my film best through a lot of social media and posters. I could use flyers and posters which would be handed out on the street as well as sticking them up to let people know of its upcoming. I would use social media in  a lot of different way which include; Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and my own YouTube channel which could display exclusive footage, interviews and spoilers.

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